Netlabelism Interviewed Me About QED Records

Netlabelism, the (online) Netlabel magazine, contacted me a month ago to ask if I wanted to be interviewed regarding QED Records. Of course I said yes! They were impressed with the sheer number of releases that my humble netlabel seemed to have and wanted some tips on how to effectively curate so much content.

I was quite up front with them that the QED Records catalog number was deceiving since the very first release was qd-4200. So no, we did not have 4,200+ releases just a mere 72. Still, it was a chance for me to take a look at what I could’ve done better to promote and publicize QED Records music to the rest of the world.

Acid42 in Stuff Magazine: Aug 2005

So, a few months back, an editor friend emailed me asking if he could interview me via email for the cover story he was doing on Stuff Magazine Philippines’ August 2005 issue. He wanted me to talk about mp3s, QED Records and the future of music. I was game. Answered all the questions, (rather lengthily), sent in the email, and waited.