Album: Auris Cibum (2015)

Download the 2015 album: emotive melodies, synthetic textures and IDM experimental electronica.

This 2015 album is 9 tracks and 41 minutes of emotive melodies, harsh synthetic textures and IDM. Ambient experimental electronica.

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Stuck in a Creative Hole for 3 Years

Alice in Wonderland: Rabbit Hole by cat-o-morphism on Deviantart

It’s been a long time.Probably about three years (or more) since I last produced a new Acid42 track.Here’s how circumstance and collaborators brought me out of the creative hole I was languishing in.

The Top 2 Mistakes That Newbie EDM Producers Make

Someone asked me: “What, in your opinion are most common mistakes that most beginners make when producing electronic music?” The top two mistakes really boil down to: a lack of hearing the big audio picture, and an unbridled desire to make things louder. I explain everything in the post.

Netlabelism Interviewed Me About QED Records

Netlabelism, the (online) Netlabel magazine, contacted me a month ago to ask if I wanted to be interviewed regarding QED Records. Of course I said yes! They were impressed with the sheer number of releases that my humble netlabel seemed to have and wanted some tips on how to effectively curate so much content.

I was quite up front with them that the QED Records catalog number was deceiving since the very first release was qd-4200. So no, we did not have 4,200+ releases just a mere 72. Still, it was a chance for me to take a look at what I could’ve done better to promote and publicize QED Records music to the rest of the world.